Title:Ecoprinted clothes - workshop results
Date:Jul 2021
Original Size: various
Notes: Results from the online ecoprinting with natural dyes course that I did with Caroline Nixon in May-July 2021. A very absorbing course, and very instructive. I now understand ecoprinting a lot better - but I'm not sure that I will do much more as it needs too much preparation and attention to detail. Perhaps when I've finished embroidering on all my samples I'll have another go. Some of these items may be for sale, but most are just samples
Groups: Textile garments
Exhibited At: Birmingham Guild of Weavers Spinners & Dyers Annual exhibition and competition 2021
Cotteridge Meeting House
Original Artwork: Not available
Prints Available For: £0.0
Cards: £0.0
Postcards: £0.0